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Jérémy Cramer
Microphysiological System Platform Development
Cherry Biotech (CHB)
About Jérémy
Dr Jeremy Cramer holds the role of CEO at Cherry Biotech. He started his professional career in 2003 in the automotive industry. Entrepreneur since his youth, and engineer by training, he completed a PhD thesis in 2012 combining microfluidic instrumentation and biomedical research. He founded Cherry Biotech in 2014, based on the conviction that his team could solve one of the biggest challenges of the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry, improve the prediction of toxicological effects on the human body and replace animal testing, by combining organ on chip, multi-omic and machine learning technologies.
As CEO, Jeremy leads the innovative work that is being completed at Cherry Biotech regarding:
i) The development of a standardised MPS platform for both basic research and drug development applications.
ii) The in-house development of specific 3D in-vitro models including PDO (Patient Derived Organoids)
iii) Integration of innovative technology such as biosensors and machine learning algorithms based on image analysis to provide additional insight into these in-vitro models.
The company aim is to develop a standardised organ-on-chip (OOC) platform that can be used within existing academic and industrial workflows to control media enrichment, temperature and model shear stress (among other biophysical parameters). Within the PLAST CELL project, this research is being used to develop an industrially compatible approach for cell confinement that can remain low-cost, highly reproducible and simple to integrate with both academic/pharmaceutical laboratories